Ready for a Raycon upgrade?

So, this year has been an interesting one. With its up and downs, it's hard not to find ourselves escaping to the nearest tunes or films to pass the time. For many its hard to find the perfect headphones that fits our needs. This year, we tried to help that part out with a review on Raycon wireless earbuds.

What started out as a review on the most advertise product ended up becoming our most read article this year. We were blown away by the replies and attention this review got. We were also back on the ground when Raycon reached out to us. They sent us a little care package in preparation for their latest launch. Which we are excited to talk about.

With that being said, let’s talk about what we got! We got our hands on the the E25 Pro wireless. It is their upgraded version of the E25s. They are getting rid of the 25s and 55s with a new upgraded version of them. Seeing how we had reviewed their E55 we had to find someone who own the 25s. Taylor just so happened to have a brother back from college who got a pair of the 25s (in the same color too). We officially got a great side by side comparison.

Before we took photos of the headphones, Taylor’s brother headphones met a unfortunate end. Raycon headphones are no match to a year old boxer (at least the older models, haven’t tried the pro version yet). The show must go on.

The Pro E25 next to the original E25

The Pro E25 next to the original E25

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Sealed and delivered

Flashback from the previous article: “I was stunned to see that the headphones were in a small package in the mailbox. It was about the size of a Samsung Galaxy Note 10+. There was no protected packaging using packing peanuts or bubble wrap. Opening it reveals the main box, no protected packaging inside either.” So, pretty much the same. Don’t need to make a note of that. They did however change how they store the ear nubs. Instead of the metal business card, they were contained in a box.

Now seeing how we didn’t have the original box of the older model, we couldn’t compare the boxes. So this is just based on the ones we had previously reviewed. After going through our normal test run to find the perfect fit. It was time to charge them and get ready for the big test day.

The Test Run

So right after the bat, they were easy to connect to your phone. Which is no surprise with their headphones. The moment you open the case, they power on and connect. As for the test, we did make a thirty-minute break for my ears, the earbuds were not set back in its charger pod, as this would deter the mission just a bit. Every two-hour mark jotting down a few new notes about the device.

2nd hour: Spent the last two hours listening to K Pop, K Pop has such a variety of tones. The headphones really kept up with the levels and bases of their songs. Unlike the last pair, you can tell they fixed the issues with sound. There is also a bit of noise canceling.

4th hour: Took a K Pop break for a few videos and audiobooks. The headphones are still alive with no signs of dying. Right on the six-hour mark, they signify to me that it was time to charge.

Overall, are they worth it?

With the new upgrades, you could see how they are taking in the reviews of their customers. What we liked in the E55s, were we glad to see in the upgraded version of the affordable pair. Going over a few Specs for those who want to know, The sound profile is now more balanced than the original heavy bass tones. They upgraded the mic component with the redesign of their earbuds. So like the ones I review last time, these pairs now have the ability to wirelessly charge. The charging type is a USB-C, just a heads up, and the battery indicated is on the front of the charging case rather than inside.

There was a weird downside moment we found after charging the device. Once you remove the cord from the case, the headphones were triggered causing them to turn on.

So, there is another weird downside. These headphones will be available to purchase in late December / Early January. My brother actually got a replacement of his pair for Christmas and from the looks of the packaging, they are already ready to replace the old E55s (The one he got).

Honestly, I feel like I’m listening to the E55s version without breaking the bank. I feel they have upgraded what they can for the 25s. They are comfortable (Once you get the right ear nib on) for the long listen. I normally find myself listening to music or videos for long periods of time and need something that can handle it. There are of course discounts you can use (no, sadly I don’t have any I could give).


Change the low battery marker to somewhere in the five-hour mark. This allows more time to adjust to potentially charging the device. Get rid of the intro song, wasting battery life with it. We know what we bought.

Want to give it a try? Check it out here

About Raycons

We started Raycon because we wanted to shake up the wireless audio industry. There needed to be a better experience than what other brands were offering, and that inspired us to take a bold new approach.

We believe in the go-getters, the early risers, the performers and one-more-milers of the world. That’s why we’re dedicated to crafting our products for the doers out there who need tech that works with them. We teamed up with expert engineers, leading taste-makers, and platinum artists to give rise to products you’ll love to use.


If you like to see what we first thought about them, then check out our first review of the E55s Here