Annabel Lauren releases new single 'three a.m.'

Today, emerging Brighton-based singer-songwriter, Annabel Lauren shares her latest single ‘three a.m.’, which is a melodic indie pop song that articulates the all too familiar thoughts that consume you as you are trying to sleep at night. ‘three a.m’ is available now on your streaming service of choice, via APOLLO Distribution.
Take a listen to ‘three a.m.’ below:
“When I wrote this song I was having some really weird dreams and I was struggling big time with my sleep paralysis. The song is me taking accountability for the issues I was having at the time, like missing deadlines or not speaking to friends because I wasn’t sleeping enough, or I was giving into vices a bit too easily. I felt like I had been slacking a bit and that I needed to get a grip, but I was really struggling to do that because of mental health issues and my surroundings. So the song is me letting out a bit of frustration, it’s me telling me I need to work on myself for my own benefit.”
Inspired by the likes of Modern Baseball and Frank Ocean, Annabel Lauren brings a strong sense of personality and sentimentality into the music she creates. ‘three a.m.’ is the prime example of this as lyrically she gives the listener an insight into the workings of her mind, and the unwelcomed tricks it plays. With her narrative driven lyrics at the forefront of her artistry, Annabel tells a story through her music and subsequently connects with her listeners on a personal level.
‘three a.m.’ is the follow up to Lauren’s debut single ‘Cauliflower Cheese’ which was released earlier this year. The track was supported by BBC Introducing Sussex and Surrey and introduced her artist project with a wave of indie-pop brilliance.