LA-based songwriter, producer, and all-around artist Postcard Boy (Garrett Seamans aka carwash) today shares "On The Hillside," produced with his good friends Tom Verberne and Lucian Rice, along with a gorgeous self-directed and edited video. The single announces his forthcoming debut album, Somewhere On a HillsideListen and watch "On The Hillside"  HERE, and pre-save Somewhere On a Hillside HERE

"On The Hillside" embodies the glittering feeling – of simultaneous nostalgia and hope for what's to come – when you catch the way that light bounces off of a distant window while the sun is setting in the summer. It's full of Seamans' expert layering of sounds along the lines of what we hear from someone like Caroline Polachek, but with an indie rock/pop twist, leaning towards The Japanese House. Postcard Boy, though, is a world builder unlike any other out there right now, with inspiration spanning from Spike Jonze's skate videos, to Pavement lyrics he can't quite make out just from listening, to riding his bike to watch sailboats in the Marina, to realizing "how small everything is in comparison to having a good time with good friends." It all comes to life in the video of a handmade twenty foot long envelope kite and a giant inflatable mailbox bounce house on a hill.

Watch "On The Hillside" HERE

Of "On The Hillside," Postcard Boy says, "This song is all about trying to maintain hope. When you’re in the thick of it all, it feels like you’ll never see the other side. However, often once you get there, intentional or not, it seems so obvious and simple it was waiting for you the whole time. Like the reflection of the sun off a distant window, if you’re looking for it, you can find it somewhere on the hillside."

Somewhere On a Hillside is inspired by the reflections of the houses on the hill sparkling right before dark, when only for that brief moment does where you stand line up exactly where you should be: in relation to those windows, the sun at the time of a day, at the time of year. These reflections are happening all the time, every second, if you are in the right spot to receive them. The album doesn't have one central theme as it glides between the joy of falling in love and the brink of heartbreak, and a sense of self purpose, or the lack thereof. Through it all, the album opens its palm to an unknown future.

Postcard Boy and carwash are the two musical projects of San Diego born, 22-year-old multidisciplinary artist Garrett Seamans. In high school he was the kid who always had a camera in his back pocket, shooting surf movies with his friends, and dreaming of becoming a filmmaker. Wanting to soundtrack a video of his own, he began making and self-releasing music under the name Postcard Boy in late high school. By the end of 2019, after several single releases, Garrett finished recording Postcard Boy's EP, Limbo, and he began to explore a more rock-influenced sonic space with his secondary project, carwash. To Garrett's surprise, carwash's debut single "striptease" racked up tens of millions of streams online. Garrett rolled with the acclaim, expanding the carwash universe with several singles and debut EP, soap water, and an accompanying short film, soap water: the movie. After an east coast run of carwash shows in the Fall of 2022 as well as two New Zealand shows supporting Fazerdaze, Garrett is returning as Postcard Boy, after a years of writing letters to fans, with new music and a whole world on a glittering hillside. 

"On The Hillside" by Postcard Boy is out now, buy/stream it here

Somewhere On a Hillsidethe debut album from Postcard Boy, is out this July 28th, pre-save it it here

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