Ready to watch Baby Queen's Narcissist? Me too! Let's Go

Anti-pop star Baby Queen has shared the video for single ‘Narcissist’ from her debut mixtape The Yearbook. The video sees Baby Queen aka 24-year-old Bella Latham add to her pantheon of iconic characters, this time embodying the suitably regal persona of a Gen Z Marie Antoinette-figure complete with beehive, hot pink ruffles and DMs. It was directed by Harv Frost.

Displaying characteristic wit and candour, Baby Queen says ‘Narcissist’ is “an admission of my own narcissistic tendencies but also me trying to make sense of where those tendencies came from in the first place. I think women are told from the moment they are born until they can form their own opinions that beauty and vanity are the key to their success, and then they are berated when they are older for being self-obsessed or apathetic. Cosmetic companies want us to hate ourselves. There is money being made off our obsession with improving ourselves and our appearances. This song is just saying, 'Yeah fuck you, I am a narcissist, and I am self-obsessed, but why do you think that is?'"

The ten songs that make up The Yearbook are born from personal experiences Baby Queen had chosen to keep under wraps for years. Taking us as far back as 2018, they’re her most diaristic work to date, chronicling her coming-of-age.  “It’s an American coming-of-age film,” she says of the final project’s concept. “It feels confusing, happy, free, lonely… all of these things you go through when you are growing up.”

The release of The Yearbook marks the culmination of the new musical era of Baby Queen, which was ushered in at the top end of 2021 with ‘Raw Thoughts’ and follows the release of her debut Medicine EP in November. The experiences that informed the songs on The Yearbook unfolded when Bella moved to London at 18, joined rock bands and fell in love and headfirst into the city’s party scene. They are bittersweet and brilliant. “It’s important to be able to capture a full range of emotion,” she says of the songs on The Yearbook, which include previous releases ‘These Drugs’, ‘Dover Beach’, ‘American Dream’ and ‘You Shaped Hole’. “I want the listener to feel like they’re on the top of a London bus, traveling through a city they’ve moved to for the very first time, seeing the world through new eyes.”.