Meg Bog latest album Dolphine is out and making waves

Photo credit: Indigo Sparke
7/10: Zebulon (Record Release Show) - Los Angeles, CA
9/03: Caledonia Lounge - Athens, GA
9/04: El Rocko Lounge - Savannah, GA
9/04: Tin Roof - Charleston, SC
9/06: Snug Harbor - Charlotte, NC
9/07: Neptune's - Raleigh, NC
9/09: Johnny Brenda's - Philadelphia, PA
9/11: Trans Pecos - Brooklyn, NY
9/14: L'Escogriffe - Montreal, QC
9/16: The Boat - Toronto, ON
9/17: Outer Limits - Detroit, MI
9/18: Hideout - Chicago, IL
9/19: Kaiju - Louisville, KY
9/20: Drkmttr - Nashville, TN
9/21: 529 - Atlanta, GA
"The music is vast and refined, hinting at chaos but never quite losing control... the band is equally adept at sweeping you away and pulling you in." - PITCHFORK
Mega Bog is the fluid musical moniker of songwriter Erin Elizabeth Birgy, a Pacific Northwestern rodeo child with an unmistakable laugh, who was allegedly cursed upon conception. She has spent the last ten years channeling, capturing, and releasing her unique bouquet of fragrant, sci-fi pop experiments with a handful of bicoastal collaborators. Mega Bog has visited a significant portion of the Western world, frequently looping the USA and Europe to sing in tiny art spaces and haunted historical theaters alike. The live concerts are known for their emotional unpredictability. Onstage, Erin's current mood is amplified, for better or for worse; she is an honest and unflinching performer.
The title of Mega Bog's newest album Dolphine-her fifth, and first for Paradise of Bachelors-is inspired by a myth that suggests that, as humankind evolved from sea creatures, some individuals chose not to leave the water and walk the earth, but rather to stay in the ocean and explore the darkness as dolphins. (The extra "e" was added to take the word out of the everyday, translating it into a potential futuristic dialect.) Dolphine is an album for the swimming human shadow obscured by waves. The songwriting was inspired by Erin's own swim through a myriad of overwhelming emotions, including the ongoing mourning following the death of her childhood horse companion Rose, her navigation of the feelings and physicality of two abortions, and the hapless and shattering social, political, and environmental turmoil on the planet known as Earth.
Catch up on everything Meg Bog on | Paradise of Bachelors | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Bandcamp | Spotify | YouTube