Taylor OhrynThe Sleeping, Halcyon, I Feel Like I’m Becoming a Ghost, new album, Interpol-like, alternative edge, moody chorus, dark and light elements, songwriting, mental health theme, music release, live performance, tour dates, high energy record, natural chemistry, diverse sound, post-punk, post-hardcore, mental health focus, music production, band members, dynamic duo producers, tour detailsComment
The Sleeping share new single "Halcyon
Taylor OhrynThe Sleeping, Halcyon, I Feel Like I’m Becoming a Ghost, new album, Interpol-like, alternative edge, moody chorus, dark and light elements, songwriting, mental health theme, music release, live performance, tour dates, high energy record, natural chemistry, diverse sound, post-punk, post-hardcore, mental health focus, music production, band members, dynamic duo producers, tour detailsComment