All-round viral creative Gabriela Bee reveals her brand new single ‘I Want A Heartbreak’, which finds her experimenting with an alt-pop sound that vocalises her desire to feel the full spectrum of emotions and feelings that are experienced amid a heartbreak, in order to feel the full intensity of life.
Give ‘I Want A Heartbreak’ a listen HERE
Speaking on the new release, Gabriela Bee shares; “In my song ‘I WANT A HEARTBREAK’ I use wanting a heartbreak as a metaphor for wanting to experience the real things in life. As teenagers, we constantly want to grow up and understand the wildness of the world. Obviously, no one wants their heart broken, but it almost feels like what we get from it is what we crave. The real feelings and stories, whether it’s the good, bad, or the absolute worst. When I wrote ‘HEARTBREAK’, the initial lyric for the hook was going to be “I WANNA RUNAWAY” but I felt like wanting to have a heartbreak was a little more interesting to depict that longing for those unrefined, intense emotions that shape our existence. I like to imagine this song as a rollercoaster, when at the drop, (the chorus), you can find yourself almost feeling the full spectrum of life’s authentic feelings and stories through the explosion of drums, guitars and echoes. I want listeners to confront and cherish the rawness of everything they feel, even if it means facing the pain of a heartbreak.”
Showcasing a more alternative edge than we have heard from Gabriela in the past, on ‘I Want A Heartbreak’ she shows her vast range as an emerging artist and ability to switch up her style to reflect the essence of a track.
Coming off the back of her most recent single ‘Maybe’ last December and her debut ‘Look At You Now’ in October, Gabriela is actively bringing a new flavour of pop to the scene with her official emergence into music last year, as she shares her innermost thoughts and feelings to an infectious execution of contemporary pop.
Today’s single comes ahead of Gabriela’s upcoming EP which will be coming out later this year. With lots more on the horizon for this budding pop artist, keep an eye out for updates and developments.
More on Gabriela Bee…
“I’ve really poured my guts out with my music. People might have no idea who I am but I want them to know my heart when they listen to these songs,” says Gabriela Bee, who’s sitting on an eclectic mix of giddy pop songs. Some are upbeat, some are super depressing that find hope in hopeless situations but all pull from deeply personal experiences. “I can’t wait to share them with the world,” grins the 17-year old.
The first song in this new chapter is the lush, evocative ‘Look At You Now’. Gabriela’s first proper single was originally written as an ode to her younger self, but in the weeks leading up to its release, the teenager revisited the lyrics and realised she resonated with them more than ever. “It now feels like my younger self wrote it for the person I’ve become,” she explains. “It's also a song about feeling powerless or feeling incredibly powerful. It’s warm, it’s comforting and it’s nostalgic. It sounds like it could be played at the end of a Disney movie.”
Inspired by timeless artists like Queen, The Beatles and Elton John as well as modern day icons Billie Eilish and Lana Del Rey, Gabriele plans to release several new tracks over the coming months leading to an EP and full-length album. “I definitely see myself at 60-years-old, still being on stage Paul McCartney-style,” she grins.
Gabriela is used to being in the spotlight. Growing up as part of The EH Bees, a hugely popular family unit known for their comedy skits across Vine, YouTube and Instagram as well as running her own solo TikTok and YouTube channels, everything Gabriela uploads is typically watched by hundreds of thousands of people. That might sound daunting but “it’s been a positive journey,” she explains, with her parents offering her both protection and choice. “I’ve had so many amazing opportunities and met so many incredible people, it’s really grown that skill to be out in front of an audience and given me that hunger to be on that world stage,” she continues, with forays into acting and gaming also part of her impressive CV.
“It’s about giving people something real to relate to,” she says of her online presence. “Everything I say comes straight from my chest. I just try to be my unapologetic self to let people know there is real on the internet.“ But over the past twelve months, she’s pulled back from creating content to focus on music. “I basically shut everything else out. I wanted to just focus on this,” she explains.
Gabriela’s dabbled with music before though. When she was barely a teenager, she went into her first studio session and wrote the rebellious, angsty anthem ‘Leave Them Kids Alone’ which went on to form an album of the same name. “I was super nervous and I didn’t know what to do,” she admits. Around the same time, she toured with Canadian pop band Walk Off The Earth and discovered “playing live in front of people is a high like no other. It felt like there was so much pressure going into those situations but I quickly realised this is all I wanted to do.” British rapper PRINZ then went on to sample Gabriela’s early track ‘Highs & Lows’, turning it into a viral smash.
Of course, making the pivot from comedy TikToks to heartfelt pop bangers is a tricky one. “There’s always an aspect of feeling like I have to prove myself, but I just have to keep reminding myself that no matter how many hate comments I get or how many streams I rack up, I’m doing this because I love to sing. “
Ambition wise, Gabriela is shooting for the stars and wants to perform onstage at Wembley Stadium like her hero Freddie Mercury. “But if I end up performing to 30 people in a club, as long as I’m connecting to someone, I’ll be happy,” she adds. “I just want to be a positive force.”