Today (May 10th) dream-pop newcomer Akira Galaxy shares the hypnotic video for her haunting single “Teardrop”. Shot on location in Paris and inspired by French noir cinema, the black and white film clip has a timeless, liminal feeling that is both tender and eerie.  

The “Teardrop” video is a haunting exploration of the way love can shift and change. Akira’s husky alto voice perfectly captures the fragile desperation of a radical love affair as the video depicts her descent from light into darkness. 

Directors Silken Weinberg (Ethel Cain, Blue DeTiger) and Angela Ricciardi (Skull Crusher, Angel Olsen) masterfully experiment with light, using glitter and shadow with captivating effect to make the landscape of Paris nebulous and hazy and Akira moves through the once familiar streets. Mirrors and reflections are emphasized, a metaphor for the way corrupted devotion can make someone unrecognizable, even to their own eyes.  

Akira says of the video:

"I wanted to explore the duality and different dimensions of love. With (directors Angela and Silken) we filmed this in Paris and the video really draws from our love of French noir cinema. I think the layout of the city lends itself to the idea of running away from yourself as there are lot of alleys, high vantage points and staircases that were incorporated. The black and white grainy quality of the clip conveys a romantic softness and portrays a journey of light into darkness; tenderness and fragility turning into madness and passionate delirium."

In March Akira Galaxy released her debut single “Virtual Eyes”. A perfect piece of soaring, ethereal alt-pop, “Virtual Eyes” is coated in a dreamy, atmospheric shell whilst simmering with poignant yearning just beneath the surface. It is impossible not to get swept away in the earnest vulnerability of Akira’s craving for connection as she sings, “I want your impossible devotion / So look me in my virtual eyes.”


More About Akira Galaxy: 

Born Akira Galaxy Ament, the 23-year-old singer cut her teeth as a musician while fronting high school bands in Seattle, having been steeped in eclectic music by her family since she was a toddler. In her songwriting and performance, she combines the grit and attitude of the alt-rock of her hometown—where she often retreats to write—with a sleeker, more transatlantic aesthetic. Aided by producers Chris Coady (Beach House, TV On the Radio, The Kills) and Sam Westhoff, Akira’s upcoming EP blends rock ’n’ roll edge with synth gestures reminiscent of ’80s dream pop. 


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