Visceral and melancholic profile on relationships falling apart, "Chasing Ghosts" the newest from Viisi and Chelsea Collins

The single is a visceral and melancholic profile on relationships falling apart and the memories returning to haunt you. Over spectral reverbs and ethereal echoes, viisi and Collins, cultivate an illuminated vocal wonderland that glides effortlessly over the track. With a unique blend of cathartic vocals and atmospheric acoustics, the single leaves you are feeling breathless. viisi admits, “‘chasing ghosts’ is a turning point in my career. It represents my dedication to keep pushing myself as an artist....we made a beautiful song that perfectly represents our struggles with our relationships falling apart.”
From his upcoming EP Episode 1: Autophobia, which dives deep into his core memories, exploring his innermost emotions as a multi-dimensional and dynamic artist, "chasing ghosts" is full of thought-provoking lyrics and a wavering beat that lingers long after the music's over.
Good things come in fives. Dropping his first rough cut as a high school freshman when he was fourteen, Matthew Borley couldn’t have known that he’d be touring Europe five years later, playing packed-out shows in the South of France.
Initially sparked by his father during his teenage years, he was introduced to select verses from ‘90s hip-hop pioneers and the most controversial rapper of his time, Eminem, Matthew was profoundly impacted by his connection to Hip Hop’s cutting and unapologetic persona. Being put on the likes of Eminem, while most of Em’s lyrics were PG-13 at best, his father was careful only to show his son lines that connect at a deeper level from cuts like classic “Stan.” Not satisfied with only hearing bits and pieces, viisi did what any typical adolescent would do: he snuck out an old laptop and dove deep down the hip-hop rabbit hole. Eminem led to Dr. Dre. Dr. Dre to Tupac. Tupac to Biggie. Soon enough, Matthew’s obsession provided an escape that quickly evolved and made way for viisi.
Based on the Finnish word for “five,” viisi represents past, present, and future. viisi returns to push the boundaries of what it means to be an artist in his upcoming ‘Liminal' series. Through his powerful and raw storytelling, his music transcends unique and universal human experiences that have shaped him as an artist and individual. With lyrical honesty and unwavering dedication to his craft, viisi is unafraid to delve into his personal experiences, such as family struggles, fallouts with loved ones, career choices, failing, self-worth, and more. Writing prose with messages of life and dreams and merit and substance, his visceral approach to the story of his evolution will surely leave fans moved and stunned.