John Buffalo Release his Debut Self-Titled Album, Have you listen to it yet? Let's Fix it!

 John Buffalo (aka John Dufilho) releases his debut self-titled album via State Fair Records – listen via your preferred DSP HERE! Prior to this solo endeavor, the Dallas-based, San Antonio-raised musician, songwriter, engineer, and producer built a prolific career in the North Texas music scene through his work with The Deathray Davies, CLIFFFS, I Love Math and John Singer Seargent. Additionally, he spent time drumming for Denver’s indie stalwarts The Apples in Stereo as well as collaborating with and producing for Ben Kweller and Rhett Miller of the Old 97’s. 

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The album release arrives after previous singles “I Got This Now” (watch HERE), “Accidents” (watch HERE), and “Who Gotta Lighter?” (watch HERE). These electronic tracks reflect the entire album’s embodiment of Dufilho’s indie music roots while evoking the sounds of Devo and Beck. He recently discussed this shift towards a synth-heavy sound in interviews with The Dallas Morning News and KXT, the former during which he stated, “Pretty much my whole existence has been guitars and bass and drums, so it’s kind of cool and interesting to make the record (John Buffalo) this way…It might surprise a few people, especially if they’d made up their minds about me before.” 

Dufilho’s new sound resulted from him having to create an all-electronic album after a near-death experience in 2021. It all started after a routine doctor’s visit that uncovered a hereditary condition that

required Dufilho to undergo quintuple bypass surgery. Unable to play any live instruments, John started playing on a synth and drum machine and, while he didn’t know where these sessions would lead at the time, he was creating John Buffalo. The surgery that saved his life and led to this new studio album also 

resulted in massive medical bills that Dufilho was able to pay in large part thanks to Stephen King and his non-profit, The Haven Foundation, which awarded him their biggest grant to date. 

Stay In Touch with John Buffalo via Instagram