#Weshowedup for Porter Robinson all weekend, From Nurture to Second Sky Festival

Personal favorites of Taylor’s off the Nurture album: Blossom, Mother, Look at the Sky, Dullscythe and Get Your Wish
Maybe it’s not our best tag title yet, it’s a work in progress…
So, Taylor is actually a pretty big fan of Porter Robinson. The last show she saw him was when he teamed up with Hugo Pierre Leclercq better now as Madeon on the Shelter tour, A limit tour collaboration in celebration of their single “Shelter”. After the long-awaited second album, let’s just say, Taylor had it on repeat throughout the day Friday. Knowing full in well that she had already heard some of the tracks that were recently released “Get Your Wish,” “Something Comforting,” “Musician,” “Look At The Sky,” but a few of the ones that didn’t get that spotlight became an instant favorite.
Porter Robinson on the album: “This album came about during a period of intense creative and emotional struggle. …I’m really, deeply glad that I wrote this album. It’s my favorite music I’ve ever made, and it made me feel purposeful and happy to write music again. I want to write music that tells people that an earnest and sincere effort to overcome that thing you’re struggling with is the best path forward. There’s no shortage of fuel for despair and nihilism, but I’ve found that those things don’t help. I want the listener to know that even when it seems impossible and insurmountable, it’s worthwhile to do your best, that there’s no shame in hope, and that purpose and meaning are worth pursuing.” in a statement on the Mom+Pop page. We found the music to be quite joyful even with the settled undertones of sadness in the lyrics. Taylor listed a few of her personal favorites underneath the playlist if you want to check those out.
To keep the party going, on Saturday, Second Sky (Created by Porter and Goldvoice) created a mini one-day virtual festival. When we say virtual, we mean it. There several ways to stream the event. You could use platforms like Twitch and Youtube or you could use the Oculus Rift and take part in a VR experience. If you didn’t have that VR option you could still take part in it by going to Porter’s website. The virtual experience was a delight as you become a cloaked sprite. you could join other sprites from different parts of the world watching a giant screen that displays the festival or explores the world of the second sky. It was a cute world and we couldn’t help but explore as much as we could.
With a line up acts like Kero Kero Bonito, James Ivy, No Rome, Boy Noise, Baauer, Takagi Masakatsu (Japanese film composer for such films like Wolf Children, Mirai, The Boy, and the Beast), End of the World, REZZ, and ending the night with Porter.
He started off the Livestream with Wind Tempos, Something Comforting, Get Your Wish, and Shelter (New edited version). The stage set-up was very reminiscent of the Get Your Wish music video stage (minus the water) with two monitors, One on the ground and the other upon the back wall projecting images that blend with the panels.
There was a lovely moment towards the end of the show where makes a special comment about his girlfriend Rika Mikuriya before he played the song Blossom. “The person who really truly save me and help this album come into existence.” It was a lovely moment to hear and made the experience of him playing that song a bit different. Plus the blend from Blossom into Goodbye to the world really did not help from making Taylor tear up (blaming it on the bowl of onions).
By the time we finally wrapped up the night of festivity, we were provided with one sign of good news. The official date of the Second Sky music festival was announced. The dates for the festival will be in the fall this year, in the Bay Area (San Fransisco, CA). Currently, you can register for early access but no detail on who is set to perform.
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Presale link for early access tickets here
Did you watch the festival? What did you think of it? Let us know on our socials or down below.