Hashtag Magazine

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Festival Season is here! Here is how to survive it


With the recent heat wave we know the summer isn’t always kind to us music fans, here are a few ways to stay cool and not end dancing like a lobster. Of course we would love to hear from you in the comments down below or on our social media.

Stay Hydrated!

We know you want to be front row for the headliner. We know this because we are those people who had to be front row. But you will get to front row eventually, here are some tips before you get to the gate line.

  • Get to the festival early! The closer you are to the doors the closer you are to the water stations.

  • Don’t forget to bring an empty water bottle or a Camelpak. You can always bring a water that can be tossed while you wait in the meantime.

  • Take your time drinking the water through the festival if you plan on being front row for a good while.

  • If you are a food tent that has ice in a bucket, ask if you could put ice into your “Empty” water bottle. It sounds weird but it does help later on.

  • If you are front row, security tends to have water available for fans. later on in the day. If you are in need of a quick refresher, flag down one of them. but if you are in desperate need to get water, please have your friends and fellow music fans for help.

Wear Light & bright Clothing!

Have you ever noticed most festival fashion trends tend to go to a boho, white look? There is a great reason for it. Fabrics like cotton, linen, lace are best at letting heat escape from body. Which means, you don’t tend to sweat as much as someone with thick clothing like leather and jean material. Covering your body head to toe can lead to lowering your body natural temperature. Which sounds weird but in the summer heat this can dramatically help you out. White or lighter shades of clothing are not as reflected to the sun as compare to darker clothing. It’s science class all over again, we apologize for that.

Wear Sunscreen!

Please for the love of music, wear sunscreen! It’s not always about the festival tan.

Most festivals will allow a bottle of liquid (no spray on bottle) sunscreen, take advantage of that! Consider also a bottle of Aloe Vera, for the aftermath. We know that is a lot of items to carry but there is a solution for that. Small travel size bottles can be such a big help, we usually carry a few travel bottles with us just in case we run out. These bottles can be refilled, which is a plus! The most helpful tip, put on sunscreen through out the day! Most sunscreen can last up to four hours but sweat can reduce that time frame. Through out the day can help keep you protected.

Know the signs of Dehydration and Heat Exhaustion

After all, we are dealing with being in the sunlight for long periods of time. Here are the signs to know if you and your fellow music fans feel like they need a break or medical attention. If your friends or fellow fans have any of these signs get them to some shade, water and if it progress seek a medic. If you are front row get the attention of a security guard.


  • Excessive thirst, I’m talking like drinking several bottles of water and still needing more.

  • weakness / dizziness

  • headaches

  • muscle cramping

Heat Exhaustion

  • All the signs of Dehydration listed above

  • Fainting

  • Fatigue

  • Nausea, vomiting,

  • Pale skin

  • Profuse sweating

  • Rapid heartbeat