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Agnes Hartwick & Her Debut Album "SPACE AGE COUNTRY GIRL"

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Today, Agnes Hartwich cuts right to the bone, spacesout and seeks the extremes on her debut album 'SPACE AGE COUNTRY GIRL' out via Stellar Music. The record introduces a stylish new voices on the Nordic rock scene.

Listen to the “SPACE AGE COUNTRY GIRL” Album now; https://open.spotify.com/album/25oo9QtMES8ykXoMWj18JB?si=ebyNncMCTaeF7TKvCHiSuQ 

The debut album's sci-fi philosophical title, 'SPACE AGE COUNTRY GIRL', is almost symbolic of Agnes Hartwich's way of embracing her claustrophobic upbringing in the suburbs with eternally escapistdreams that are far too big, complex and out-there for the cozy, normal teenage life in a quiet suburb.  Furthermore, a nod to a song lyric of one of her big teenage inspirations Arctic Monkeys.

Agnes explains "I'm a sucker for words and rhymes-for drama, sarcasm and a twinkle in the eye. But I have also gone deeper and more personal to work on this album. Therefore, the songs contain everything from a manic andobsessive self-confidence to galloping anxiety and an overwhelming loneliness, which has followed me mywhole life.”

The studio album is close collaboration with guitarist and producer, Nichlas Kure, and the Danish musician and songwriter, AlexVargas, who also produced the debut EP. "It's not easy for me to be vulnerable towards others. But working with Nichlas and Alex, and the mutualtrust that we have shown each other, has meant that I have dared to open up about my ugliest sides and biggest sorrows, while at the same time I have been able tobe cocky beyond all limits and just have fun in the meantime!