How Maddie Rossi is changing the game for pop

How Maddie Rossi is changing the game for pop

Bumblegum for the right era

How Maddie Rossi is changing the game for pop-rock music.

Photos by Jayme Dee Satery

LA-Base artist, Maddie Ross is taking a stand at the music industry with a new weapon, 90s/00s throwback with her new album Never Have I Ever.

“'Never Have I Ever' is inspired by a variety of movies, but the story it tells follows a plot of its own. In our wildest fantasies, someone would write an adorable girl-meets-girl rom com, and use the entire album as a score.” 

Never Have I Ever was made entirely by women, produced by Maddie's longtime girlfriend Wolfy and co-written between the couple. The album follows Ross' most recent release, the Touch Hands, Touch Bodies EP, which debuted at BlackBook and was #25 on Billboard staff’s '25 Best Rock Albums of 2018', earning Maddie their title of, "The Best DIY Rock Star You’ve Never Heard Of”. 

With the album under her, she is looking up to an a legend after a twitter conversation. Songwriter Legend, KT Tunstall invited her on her latest tour which tickets are still available here.

One thing is for sure, we don’t expect Maddie to stay in the past as she soon to become our future; it’s only a matter of time.

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